The earliest records of the Department of Pennsylvania report that a meeting of the Pennsylvania Tents National Alliance Daughters of Veterans, as previously named, was called June 3, 1913. This meeting was held at the George Meade Post Hall, the regular meeting place of the Betsy Ross Tent #4, in Philadelphia for the purpose of organizing the Pennsylvania Department.
Under the direction of Nina Littlefield, National President, assisted by Helen Littlefield, National Secretary, both of Cambridge, MA, the meeting was opened with Kathryn Krayer, President, Betsy Ross Tent #4 in the chair. Nelly Sands, Tent #4, served as Secretary. At the roll call, four Tents responded to the names. Betsy Ross Tent #4, Philadelphia – 6 delegates; Ellen E. Mitchell Tent #5, Montrose – 2 delegates; Jennie Wade Tent #6, Lewistown – 1 delegate; and Anna Wittenmyer Tent #7, Mt. Carmel – 2 delegates; for a total of 11 delegates.
The delegates began their meeting in a parliamentary fashion, for transacting business, necessary for immediate needs. They voted to use card file system for records, to secure proper badges, and to hold their annual meeting at the same time as the G.A.R. encampment.
Kathryn Krayer, Tent #4 was elected as first President of the Department, Nelly Sands, Tent #4 was appointed as first Secretary and Leah G. Kinkaide, Tent #4 was the first Guard. These new officers were installed by National President Nina Littlefield and assisted by Helen Littlefield, National Secretary serving as Guide.
Members voted to meet in the first annual Convention in Philadelphia in 1914. The Convention was then held in Betsy Ross Tent Room, George Mead Post Hall, Philadelphia on June 6, 1914 with Department President, Kathryn Krayer presiding.
The exchange of greetings among the Allied Orders serves to cement friendship and cooperation. The Pennsylvania Department at the close of the First Convention extended greetings to the G.A.R expressing the purpose of the Daughters of Union Veterans. Greetings were exchanged early between the Ladies of the G.A.R. and the W.R.C. but not until Department President Sara J. Ward in 1919 were Greetings Committees sent to all the Allied Orders.